Monday, March 18, 2013

Friday: Glow in the Dark Bowling


Hi guys! So since I did not have and outfit post for you guys today I figured I'd share these pictures from Friday nights bowling game I had with my friends! We went to this place called Gable Bowling from 12 and on its glow in the dark its perfect for us since we have church and it usually finishes around 10 the latest! This is a perfect way for us to bond and just spend time together and share some laughs! The first photo is a picture of my shoes (left) and my boyfriends shoes(right); |Converse, Stephan Janoskis| the next 3 pictures are pictures of my friends mostly the guys that went with us lol and all the shoes are all of the girls shoes! except for the Janoskis lol the bottom picture is my amazing boyfriend and I! hope you guys enjoy these and stay tuned for more post!

- Michelle

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