Hello guys && gals,
Unfortunately I do not have an OOTD post today for you guys I know I've been gone for a while sorry! The good news is that today I have the new segment ready for you guys (remember I said in one of my previous posts I was going to have a new segment well here it is) as most of you guys probably know I am a follower of christ (A Christian) and for those who didn't now you know! So I have decided and felt in my heart to do a "segment" (thats what I am calling it lol) to post a devotional every Monday, so that you guys can start the week with a positive mind. Today I am posting it at night, but I want to post them in the morning so that incase some of you have woken up feeling down this can lift you guys up and I guess it's not a bad idea if some post are at night because then if you feel down and read the post it can help you have a positive attitude for the next day! The devotionals will consist of a bible verse and a story to help you understand and motivate you! The stories will sometimes be referred to people from the bible and sometimes they will just be personal stories! So below will be how it will look like! Hope you guys enjoy!
"I have strength for all things in christ who empowers me. " Philippians 4:13
When DAVID FACED the giant Goliath, he didn't complain and say, "God, why do I always have huge problems?" He didn't dwell on the fact goliath was three times his size or that Goliath was a skilled warrior and he was just a shepherd boy. Rather than focus on the magnitude of the obstacle before him, David chose to focus on the greatness of God. David looked Goliath right in the eyes and spoke aloud these words of faith: " You come against me wit sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied" (1 Samuel 17:45). He din't merely think them; he didn't simply pray them he spoke directly to the mountain of a man and brought him down.
Just like David chose to focus on the greatness of God and his power instead of focusing on how big the obstacle he had in front of him was we should do the same. Just like the verse says, "I have STRENGTH for all things in CHRIST who EMPOWERS me." Lets not worry about how big the problem in front of us is lets not complain about it because we get nothing out of it in the end, but instead lets know that God is always with us and that he is the one who gives us strength and lets just say, "My God is bigger than my problems" just like most of you guys have heard "God does not give you something you can't handle" and when he does he knows that you can get out of it and move forward because he is the one who provides the strength in you so that you can be able to be a conqueror! Ive learned that, "problems" only make you stronger and make who you are now! Lets always remember that with God by our side nothing is impossible!
-Love Michelle